Friday, July 6, 2012

Creation Museum realizes that they's idiots....

  So, I was just about to go to sleepin with my wife/goat tonight and an article catches my eye on that there yahoo.  It's about how this here Creationist museum down in Kentucky has  run out of money to make a life size recreation of Noah's Ark........  Now what kinda bullshit is this?

 I reckon you ain't gotta love Jesus to be afraid of him, and I reckon you ain't gotta not love Jesus to understand that the story of Creation in the Bible is just a fairy tale to splain to folks how all the different critters got here and why they look like they do.

 Now, the bible says that the ark was like 500 foot long and 80 foot high and hell I don't know how wide. And that Noah took a bunch of clean animals (the eatin kind) and then 2 of every other kinda animal.  Well, what they DON'T  explain in the bible, is how in the hell are you gonna fit all them critters on one boat?  I hunt a lot, and so I read about huntin a lot,  and there's like 2000 different kinds of deer damn near.  4000 deer gonna eat a hell of a lot of grass. Then you start addin them hippos and such (and if you believe these freaks, they had to load a shitload of dinosaurs too I reckon)  and there ain't no way in hell you could feed all them critters for that long. No sir,  I may not have finished the 6th grade, but i know how much feed a hog eats, and my blue ribbon sow Betty Lou damn near eat that Ark outta house and home in a week or two.

 Hell, I can wrangle up a few brothers in law and some cousins and build em an ark in about 3 weeks for a hell of a lot less than that (and the biggest bill would prolly be beer and Camel lights).... lol

 Then at this museum, I read they gots little displays with babies playin with dinosaurs in it.  Like that ain't the dumbest thing this hillbilly's ever heard of in his life!!!!   Everybody knows them dinosaurs'd eat that baby up soon as look at it.

 I don't know much about that Darwin feller, but I've heard enough bullshit sermons to know shit from shinola.  If somone's pissin down yer back and hollers it's rainin, well, you gotta be smart enough to know the difference.

see ya at the fishin hole!

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